Art of the Guitar

AG poster


Art-of-Guitar-FlyerThe Art of the Guitar concert series, presented by Julia A. Miller and Articular Facet, are an outgrowth of an SAIC class which spans the history of the modern guitar and related instruments from the Renaissance to the present, particularly to the avant.  Important considerations include, but are not limited to, guitar construction (classical, acoustic, and electric), the guitar as a model in artistic practice, and guitar performance practice.  Art of the Guitar is particularly concerned with a synthesis of styles and techniques, and cross pollination.

April 12    Elastic Arts Foundation, 3429 West Diversey, Chicago             8pm
Christopher Riggs

Brian Torosian

Avant/Synth Guitar Trio (Reid Karris, Julia Miller, Elbio Barilari)

25 Electric guitar ensemble – “An Angel Moves Too Fast To See” (Rhys Chatham)

April 13    Ryan Education Center, Art Institute of Chicago                         1pm
Julia Miller and the SAIC Art of the Guitar class
*note – this concert is RSVP only

April 15    H. F. Johnson Gallery of Art, Carthage College, Kenosha WI    4pm
Julia Miller and Harrison Bankhead

Upcoming Shows: Spring 2015


photo by David Zuchowski

Jan. 18    New Music at the Green Mill, 2pm
New duo for classical guitar & piano by    Jeff Kowalkowski

Jan 31    Space Oddities, 7pm
3x solos:  Julia Miller/Reid Karris/Chris Rigg

Feb 4        Rhino Fest, 7pm
AF performs Bracken by Nicolas Collins

Feb. 8    New Music jam at Tonic Room, 8pm-midnight
Julia & Elbio co-host with Fareed Haque, Alex Austin and Greg Fundis

Feb. 15    Rhino Fest, 2pm
AF Zeitgeist listening session and discussion

Feb. 26    C3 concert, 7pm
Prelude/episode by Julia Miller with Larry Axelrod
Solo guitar pieces by Elbio Barilari

March 29     Woodland Pattern, 7pm
Volcano Radar on Alternating Currents

P.S. Hi Mom!

Articular Facet 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 at the Empty Bottle

Articular Facet is a series of electro-acoustic compositions and structured improvisations.  Curated by Julia Miller, the series reflects the use of ancient, adapted, or hacked technology, invented instruments and performative objects, and the incorporation of the visual and physical into the sonic.

The next Articular Facet concert will be the fifth in a loosely bi-monthly series.  Number Five will be a three-part series, and will serve as album releases for artists on the Chicago-based netlabel Pan Y Rosas.  Scheduled on three Sundays, October 13, 20, and 27 at 3pm, it will be the Sunday Matinee consisting of two 45-minute sets.
Oct. 12    Grykes (Shawn Decker/Mark Booth) / Ryan Dunn

Oct. 20     Avreeayl Ra Dream Stuff / Karris-Price Duo

Oct. 27    Renee Baker Chicago Modern Orchestra Project AWAKENING /Jim Baker/Sarah Ritch
Articular Facet seeks to expand on a strong foundation in the collaborative principals of the Chicago Scratch Orchestra.